Secretary-general of China Audio Industry Association, Mr. Chen Lixin, the director of fifth electronic institude of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Mr. Zheng Chen, Drafting group leader, technical Director of Bao Ye Heng Mr. Wang Haiping, the General manage of Bao Ye Heng Mr.Zhou Baoning, drafting group specialist, Vice General Manager of Bao Ye Heng Dr. Zhou Qilin and 21 industrial experts, group members attended this conference.
Sine the first meeting holding nearly six months ago Bao Ye Heng has been working hard on the standard drafting. This time after Secretary-general of China Audio Industry Association, Mr. Chen Lixin chaired the meeting, Mr. Wang Haiping, Technical Director of Bao Ye Heng, read the standard draft paper, then draft group specialist Dr. Zhou Qilin, Vice General Manager of Bao Ye Heng, made a supplementary explanation of the speech. After a full day of discussion, the group of 21 industrial experts has shared intelligible ideas and reached to a basiclly mutual understanding. Mr. Zhou Baoning of Bao Ye Heng finally concluded the meeting.
This meeting with the principle of putting together industrial advantage resources aims to formulate an industry standard which is unified identity, operable & practical, and can lead, regulate and promote the industry development. This standard will be further improved in order to be the China`s first professional industry standard of Class D amplifier’s energy efficiency.
The Drafting group came to an agreement: the recent discussion paper will be to collate and distributed to the members of the drafting group, to be finally confirmed, and then reported to the State Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This standard will be issued as the first professional Class D amplifier efficiency industry standard. It would regulates the industrial activities. With continuous improvement, it may rise as the national standard.
With dedicated efforts in the field of digital high-tech research,exploration and development, Bao Ye Heng accumulated a wealth of experience. Being appointed as group leader company among all experts in China, Bao Ye Heng gains is a blessed recognation of autority and advancement in digital audio industry. We are so proud of it!
The site for second group conferenceof 2010-2628T-SJ professional Class D amplifier efficiency industry standard
Secretary-general of China Audio Industry Association, Mr. Chen Lixin chaired the meeting
Drafting group leader, Technical Director of Bao Ye Heng Mr. Wang Haiping read the standard draft paper
Drafting group specialist, Vice General Manager of Bao Ye Heng Dr. Zhou Qilin made a supplementary explanation of the speech
Director of China Audio Industry Association Mr. Xue Qiaogen and General Manager of Bao Ye Heng Mr.Zhou Baoning
The experts were discussing the draft paper
The General Manager of Bao Ye Heng Mr.Zhou Baoning was making a conclusion speech
A memory moment for the drafting group members
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