
Bao Ye Heng Drafting Travel to Qingyuan in the Golden Autumn 2012

  At the beginning of the cool Golden Autumn of September 2012, Bao Ye Heng Headquarters went to the beautiful City Qingyuan to travel together with its' 50 employees. The Chairman &CEO Mr, Mark Zhou and the vice President Doctor Jason Zhou went with the employees.  

Bao Ye Heng Family

  People laughing and Joking during the journey to the Destination. The Journey is full of kids' and the beautiful young ladies' laughing and beautiful faces! After hours driving, the Bao Ye Heng family finally arrived the beautiful City Qingyuan.

The First Scenic Spot: Long River
The Long River has been called the Small Three Gorges for it's excellent Beautiful scenery. Bao Ye Heng Family went to a big boat and goes along the river to enjoy the beautiful scenery people enjoyed the delicious Local fresh food on the boat at the same time.
The Second Scenic Spot: Manor of the Tea.
   Qingyuan is famous for its Tea Planting, particularly for its Flagship Black Tea - Ying Hong No.9, and the Green Tea Ying Zhou No.1. By the way, the Ying Hong No.9 has been regarded as the Royal Tea by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.   

 Bao Ye Heng Family enjoying the Tea.

The Third Scenic Spot: Cave of the Heaven.

The Scenic Spot: Pengs' Castle.
The Pengs' Castle was built for a group of people whose family name is Peng. They build the house for protecting their family away from dangerous.

The Scenic Spot: Drafting along the Yellow Flower River.

The Scenic Spot: Drafting in the Cave!





Add: Room 1606, Anhui Building, No. 6007 Shennan

   Road,Futian District, Shenzhen,China


Copyright:SHENZHEN BAO YE HENG CO., LTD    ICP:08016907-3     Guangdong Public Security Preparation: NO. 44030402000243

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