Christian Claverol G.先生是美麗的“香蕉之國”——厄瓜多爾一名非常有名的演出商,從事演藝活動數十載,為當地人民帶來了無數的歡樂和聲樂享受。八年前,Christian Claverol G.先生向中國深圳寶業恒公司購買了12只C-MARK品牌LND32線陣音箱用于流動演出。八年中,音箱從未出現過任何質量問題,也始終保持著最初的優美音質,因此引起當地競爭業者的垂涎。感動之余,Christian Claverol G.先生特意發來郵件,以表達感激之情。同時,Christian Claverol G.先生了解到寶業恒公司在全球數字功放領域的成就,希望能夠購買C-MARK數字功放模塊,將音箱改造成數字有源音箱,以解決流動演出的便利性問題。
C-MARK LND32線陣音箱自從2005年推向市場,便以其專利化的揚聲器設計,強大的硬件配置,以及德國AFMG公司為其量身定制的EASEFOCS專屬設計軟件風靡全球演出市場。印度尼西亞國家奧林匹克運動會,俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡足球場、克羅地亞國家體育館、馬里共和國國家籃球館、巴拿馬國家教堂、尼日尼亞國家教堂、貴州安順體育場、湖北荊門體育場、云南大理體育場、云南香格里拉體育中心等一百多所國內外大型文體工程項目先后采用。尤其是4年前,C-MARK 數字有源線陣 LND32A的推出,更是引起業界的廣泛震動。LND32A作為免功放機設計的線陣擴聲系統,徹底摒棄了傳統的音箱配功放的系統搭建模式,每只音箱內置寶業恒專利產品數字功率放大模塊,勿需額外搭配沉重的功放機,雙12寸單元的音箱重量僅為45公斤,極大地方便了工程項目的建設,節省了大量人力物力和時間成本,C-MARK LND32A現已成為大型戶外擴聲項目的首選設備。
附件為 Christian Claverol G.先生的感謝信原文及譯文。
Thanks for your mail Brock,
I have this system for around 8 years, and they haved work flawlessly, except the 2 boxes that I have to change the diaphragm but it was our mistake, we always are giving maintenance to it, in fact? Over here in Ecuador i know that they are only 2 of these systems, one is in the coast in wich I am for, the other one is on t the central part of the country, the owner of the other exact equipment haved been tried to convinced me to sell my 12 boxes to him, but? Believe me, it's very hard and expensive to get a new array like this over here,
We were using it in full range, but we are actually using it in 2 way, i just bought the top model, for the bass cabinets we use a custom made box (copy of the Meyer M3D) at the moment, previously we used the 650 type, and they do sounds pretty good, so the whole equipment goes in 3 way mode with the use of driverack PA and they are powered with a QSC Mx3000 for 3 box per side for the mids and the QSC Plx3402 for the highs, for the subs we use a Qsc Ex4000 wich move a box with dual 18" B&C TBX100; the gear sound very nice, and we haved received very good compliments of the sound.
The worst part of it, it's the weight of the power amplifiers that are in the rack, that's why I was asking if you can provide the power module, so over here we have good carpenters to make the installations easy, as you mentioned to take the drivers out of the box is a little hard, but nothing that you can handle,
I really I'm satisfied with the product and it's the truth; we were using some Apogee type enclosures like the 3x3x2,but they are heavy and very big speaker boxes before we bought the array; we are a family business, since the 60's my grandfather started the business, then my father took it, now my father has gone (it passed away), and my mother and I took the lead, we sell Musical instruments over here, distributed B&C speakers, PA, drums, keyboards, guitars(electric and acoustic) and their accessories, the market is very very competitive and aggressive too, but, we mannaged to be in the business and well, we still here.
That's a little of our history and background, if you'll like some pictures of the system I can send it to you,
Thanks for your time, and the easy approach that you have gave me,
我們之前都是在全頻模式下使用LND32,但現在我們切換成了兩分頻。我剛剛買了一個非常好的定制的低音音箱(類似Meyer M3D)。之前我們使用的是650款的,音質效果也很好,通過driverack PA數字音頻處理器,整個設備在三分頻模式下工作。我們使用QSC Mx3000功放帶動中音喇叭, QSC Plx3402帶動高音喇叭, QSC Ex4000帶動雙18 B&C TBX100超低音喇叭,音質效果特別好,很多人都對我們的聲音效果贊賞有加。
說實話,我們對你們的產品真的非常滿意。在我們購買你們公司的線陣音響之前,我們使用的是Apogee 品牌的產品,譬如3x3x2的, 但是它們實在是太重太大了。我們屬于家族生意,上世紀60年代,我的祖父開始從事這一行,后來我父親接手,現在我的父親去世了,所以我和我媽媽開始負責此生意。我們主要是銷售樂器,如B&C揚聲器,PA,鼓,鍵盤,吉他(電氣和聲學)及其它一些配件。市場競爭很大也很激烈,但是我們的生意做的還算成功。這是關于我們的一些歷史和發展,另外,如果你們想要一些關于你們產品的圖片,我們可以發給你。
Christian Claverol G.
C-MARK LND32大型線陣音箱特點:
1, 采用釹鐵硼喇叭,重量輕、功率大,方便吊裝。
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